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LG NeON™ 2 has an enhanced performance warranty. The annual degradation has fallen from -0.6/yr to -0.55%/yr. Even after 25 years, the cell guarantees 1.2%p more output than the previous LG NeON™ 2 modules. Compared with previous models, the LG NeON™ 2 has been designed to significantly enhance its output efficiency, thereby making it efficient even in limited space. LG NeON™ 2 has been designed with aesthetics in mind; thinner wires that appear all black at a distance. The product may help increase the value of a property with its modern design. With its newly reinforced frame design, LG has extended the warranty of the LG NeON™ 2 for an additional 2 years. Additionally, LG NeON™ 2 can endure a front load up to 6000 Pa, and a rear load up to 5400 Pa. LG NeON™ 2 now performs better on sunny days thanks to its improved temperature coefficiency. The rear of the cell used in LG NeON™ 2 will contribute to generation, just like the front; the light beam reflected from the rear of the module is reabsorbed to generate a great amount of additional power.


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