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Our diverse portfolio of commercial clients, ranging from small businesses to the largest corporate and municipal entities, should give you peace of mind that you and your company’s energy future are in good hands.
All solutions for your commercial building
Our commercial solar power projects include the full range of services your business or organization will need to go solar, including:
Battery Solutions to lower your outrageous electric bill
We offer solutions for businesses of all sizes. From small systems to mega size projects. We offer our unique battery energy saver system. It brings the batteries to help you during your peak consumption hours. It helps you when you need it the most. You’r system will pay for itself in no time.
Tax credits and depreciation for businesses
Depreciation of Solar Energy Property in MACRS
The 50% first-year bonus depreciation allowance was further extended for property placed in service during 2013 by the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (H.R. 8, Sec. 331) in January 2013. If a system costs $100,000, the customer will receive a $30,000 tax credit the first year, resulting in an effective cost of $70,000 for the system. However, the MACRS cost basis will actually be $85,000 (assuming no incentives other than the federal tax credit were applied) $85,000 is the amount that can be depreciated over 6 years. 50% of $85,000 will be deducted in year 1 and for the rest of the 50%, the depreciation factors for those 6 years are 20%, 32%, 19.2%, 11.52%, 11.52%, and 5.76%. (Note that they add up to 100% resulting in full depreciation after 6 years.)
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